The more you know, the better equipped you are to make sound financial decisions. We have a variety of tools to help you assess your financial goals and shed practical light on how to achieve them.


Visit industry-specific sites to learn more about your rights as a client and the regulating bodies in financial services in Canada.



  • The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
    To learn more about tax laws governing Canada and most provinces and territories. You will find information on national, provincial and territorial tax brackets, as well as information on RRSP contribution maximums.


  • The Registered Deposit Brokers Association
    The RBDA is the professional standards Self-Regulatory Organization (SRO) for deposit products. The RDBA represents its members and is organized for the purpose of regulating the operations and business conduct of its members and their representatives, with a view to promoting investor protection and the public interest.


  • Assuris
    For information on insurance for your life insurance policy.


Put your dreams in focus with our financial calculators.



Your DFSI advisor will be pleased to meet with you. ​